Wednesday, April 10, 2013

6 months

Anders has been 6 months old for 10 days now, but today was his 6 mo check up, so that sort of makes it more official.  He weighs 19 lbs!  He is such a happy little dude.  The nurse couldn't over  how smiley he was the whole time.  Especially since we sat here like this, waiting for the Dr. for an hour!  We sure do love this little boy.  He has 2 adorable little teeth on the bottom, and loves to use them to bite everything!  Now that he is such a pro at sitting, and has been for some time, he has graduated to wanting to stand up ALL the time.  When you try to sit him down he will refuse to bend!  Stubborn little guy.  He knows what he wants for sure.  He continues to giggle and jabber.  The other day Clay set him down to play with his toys while he got ready for school, and Anders proceeded to stack one toy on top of another, and giggle with delight when they fell down.  He did like 10 times, and just kept cracking up.  Pretty adorable.  It was the first time he has ever giggled all on his own (without one of us being involved in the joke).  Anders is rolling from tummy to back, but ive never seen him even come close to attempting to roll from back to tummy.  He is just too content all the time, and so never gets frustrated enough to do something about it.  I wonder if he will crawl.  We might just skip the rolling and crawling milestones all together :)   


  1. What a cutie! I love his adorable grin (and his adorable rolls!)
    Henry pretty much skipped the crawling phase, although he did eventually roll. Around a year, he crawled and walked almost within the same week. The next week he was running and he hasn't stopped, so enjoy this time while you can! ha ha ha

  2. Ok, he officially weighs more than Sam, haha! At her year check-up, she was just shy of 18lbs!
