Monday, July 25, 2011


Well, it has been a while since we last posted. The trip is winding down to an end rather quickly, but Im going to try and catch up on a few posts today. After Cinque Terre came Marseille. We have a few friends doing internships there, and they were kind enough to let us sleep on the floor for a few nights. We spent the first day walking all around the city. We probably walked like 8 miles! And we were in swimsuits and flip flops!! W also had a chance to catch up on our laundry, go to the beach, get sunburned, go cliff diving (my fear of sharks kept me from jumping into the water, so I just took pictures) and visit a neighboring city (Aix-en-Provence) for a cute night out.

The dark island is actually Le Chateau d'If... Counte of Monte Cristo anyone??

1 comment:

  1. As soon as I read Marseille my first thought was Count of Monte Cristo. Looks awesome!
