Monday, July 25, 2011


I really wanted to stop in Toulouse to see my mission companion Soeur Boucaut, so we went. We weren't really able to arrange anything because its been crazy trying to find internet while traveling (you would be surprised how many hotels don't have it!) so when we got to the train station, we sent her an email (thank you McDonald's Wifi) and she came right over. We talked for a few minutes (she was on her lunch break at work) and we arranged to see her later for dinner, and to stay at her sisters house that night. It was SO good to see her. Unfortunately I was so excited about seeing her that I forgot to take pics! She was my companion in Charleroi for 3 transfers. I just LOVE her. She came home the same day as me, got married shortly after, and now has a 10 month old baby. He is seriously the CUTEST baby I have ever seen. We ate dinner with her and her husband at their appartment, and just talked and talked. It makes me sad that some of my most favorite people in the world live so far from me, and I will so rarely see them in my life. But I'm lucky to know them and to be able to call them friends, so I can't complain.
Also, I forgot to mention that we randomly were able to meet up with our friend Landry, someone Clay taught on his mission. Normally he lives in Lyon, but he just happened to be in Toulouse that day visiting his mom, and he was coming to the train station to catch a train home to Lyon, and we were able to meet up and grab a snack together, and he showed us a little of the city.

1 comment:

  1. Loved catching up on all your many European adventures! They all sound amazing! Bubba you look so rugged! :) Sounds like you guys are having the time of your lives!
