Monday, June 13, 2011

My guess is he's not going to top this one for a while...

Im talking about my birthday. It was a good one. Since my b-day was on sunday, we started the festivities saturday night. We figured it would be fun to do the whole eiffel tower experience since we haven't yet. I mean, we have taken pics of it, but we haven't gone up top. So that was the plan. We headed over around six, and on our way we ran into some missionaries that we knew. Clay taught one of them, and our friend Josh taught the other (and clay and i both subbed in the classroom). They also were on their way to the eiffel tower, so we headed over and waited in line together. After about an hour in line, we realized that we were in the wrong one... so we switched over to the line we wanted to be in, and started over. The poor missionaries were getting a little nervous because they could tell that by starting over they were going to be cutting it real close, and probably weren't going to make it home by curfew. They stayed with us til we bought our tickets to go up, and then they headed home. Silly kids. They waited in line with us the whole time and then didn't even do the eiffel tower. They were just loving hanging out with us I guess. So, up the eiffel tower we went. It was pretty hilarious, because I was dying walking up all the stairs, and complaining about how i needed a drink, and clay was glued to the hand rail (have I mentioned that he is petrified of heights?) and didn't want to stop at all to rest, because he was afraid he would freak out. Pretty funny, but maybe you had to have been there. So we finally made it to the first level (there are three) and clay was walking all slow and careful, and kept about 10 feet between him and the end (which was totally caged in, and there is no way you could get out if you tried) on man I love him :) Finally after just a little coaxing he joined me looking over the edge. It turns out that by the time we finally got up there (after waiting in two lines) the sky was starting to change colors for the sunset. Amazing! We took the stairs again up to the second level, which was pretty impressive. We hung out and took some pics, and then got in line for the elevator up to the top. Up at the top you were almost to high to even appreciate things, because looking around you couldn't really tell what was what... Everything looked the same. We looked at our watches and got all excited knowing that we were going to be on the tower when it lit up at 10 o'clock, and also, every hour on the hour the whole tower just sparkles and glitters and shines for about 5 minutes. Its fabulous. So we headed back down to the second level (so that we could be right in the middle of it) and waited the 15 minutes til the tower lit up. We bought a little hot chocolate since it was a little chilly, and also we felt left out because everyone else was drinking champagne. We took tons of pics, kissed and cuddled, and just enjoyed looking out over the seine (the river right next to it) and seeing all the lights of Paris and it was amazing. It was so romantic and just picture perfect. And to prove it, here are some of the pics

This one is from the top level
This one is from the second level
Love him!

Mormon champagne replacement

After we came down from the tower we were planning on going to dinner, but got distracted taking more pics, and after it was over, we were too tired, so we grabbed some burgers and ate them on the train home.

So that was the end of saturday's festivities. Then on Sunday, Clay woke me up with breakfast in bed

After breakfast we got ready and went to church. Clay had packed a little picnic for after church, so we headed over to a park and ate our baguette sandwiches, drank fake champagne (complete with crystal goblets that clay stole from our house!) and just hung out and people watched.

Then, we went home and spent most of the rest of the day watching the office... we have become addicted. We had both seen most of the first three seasons, but decided since all of the seasons were on our roomies computer, that we could steal them and start over. We started with season three and finished season five yesterday. To clarify, we did not watch all three of the seasons yesterday, but we watched a lot. We only stopped to eat cake and open presents. Man I lucked when I decided to marry this one! He spoils me.
The cake!!

He got me a puppy! He said this is supposed to hold me over for a few more years.


  1. That was definitely a birthday to remember! Glad you had such a wonderful time.

  2. So sweet. Glad to hear you had such a lovely birthday : )

  3. fun! those lights are amazing...

  4. It sounds like you had an absolutely amazing day and a half! :) You guys captured some incredible photos as well! Happy birthday!
