Monday, May 9, 2011

mon stage (my internship)

So, i arrived early this morning, so I figured I could take a few minutes and explain what it is that I am doing here in France. The association that I am working for is called Les Petits Freres des Pauvres, it actually exists in the states as well, Little Brothers-friends of the poor. Its a private organization, basically dedicated to making sure that everyone has access to their personal rights, etc. This organization works specifically with people over the age of 50, many of whom have no family; live off of a very small retirement, or government aid, and don't have the sort of family situation where they get help when its needed. About a third of the 160 clients of this office have at one point or another lived on the street, and our job is to help them get back on their feet and back to a more healthy lifestyle. Basically my job is to do whatever they ask me to do, which so far has consisted of going and visiting people who are lonely or sad, and just talking to them. Also, a few times I have run a few errands, such as delivering food stamps, picking up paperwork (I got to take a taxi for the very first time) and that pretty much sums it up. i get here around 9:30 a.m. and leave at about 4:30 every day. Fridays are short, I'm done around noon. So far, every day after work clay meets me in Paris, and we pick something, and go see it. we have been walking on average about 5 miles a day, seriously. Sometimes more. I'm just guessing on the mileage... so if 5 doesn't sound like a lot, then add some more to it until it sounds like a lot, and then tell yourself that we walk that far every day :) honestly our feet and our legs are just aching at the end of every day, so it must be lots.


  1. Amy! I just read this blog and I love it. I can pretend I am there in Paris too, going to the Louvre and talking to old people. Its nice to read about what's going on in your life. - Gloria Jensen
