Monday, May 30, 2011

The one you have been waiting for... whether or not you knew it.

Versailles! This is a shot of the gardens just behind versailles. Amazing. So, Versailles is the palace that king louis the 14th (the sun king) built... Its pretty much amazing. He lived there as well as his son louis the 15th, and then finally louis the 16th (the one who got his head cut off... you know, the husband of marie antoinette, who also got her head cut off). It was a pretty amazing day, with lots of pictures and other tourist activities, such as sharing a $5 ice-cream cone, walking so much that your feet ache, and of course being so tightly packed up against people while passing through the rooms in the castle, you feel a slight urge to start mooing like a cow, or baa-ing like a sheep (i just now realized that I don't know the word for the noise that sheep make). Anyway, it was the best. We saw more Americans there than we have seen yet in Paris (not sure why American's are so fascinated with Versailles). We even met a man from South Jordan. We was standing in front of us in line, and heard us say something about missions, and he turned around and started talking to us. He is a member and was just in Paris on business. Sweet guy though. He does iron man's. Plural. I can't remember how many he has done, but he just finished the st. george one 3 weeks ago. He said it is the hardest one around. It was funny cuz we had just been talking about training for a triathalon a few days earlier (and when I say we were talking, I don't mean that I was ever planning on doing one, I mean I participated in the talking part, by telling clay that he should do one). Anyway, it was great. Here are some pics to prove it.
In front of the cardboard cutout of the castle (it looks fake for some reason but in actuality it is not)Just to clarify, this is a real picture of the real versailles castle

Hall of Mirrors. This place was pretty cool. You might want to google it to see some better pics and understand what im talking about.

Me in front of the queens bed. (AKA Marie-antoinette's bed)

Us standing behind the castle

Us listening to our Audio Tour of the castle


  1. Amy, you are turning into quite the little historian. Thanks for explaining things.

  2. I love all the adventures you guys are experiencing! What fun you must be having!
