Monday, May 9, 2011

Sacré Coeur

Outing #2: Like I said earlier (or at least I think I did) Clay and I try to go see something everyday (pretty much) after work. So after the eiffel tower, our second outing was the basillica of Sacré Coeur. As I was going around visiting people for my internship, I decided to start asking some of these old people who have lived in Paris their whole lives what I should see while I'm here. So, one lady told me that the Basillica was the best thing Paris had to offer (and its about a ten minute walk from where I work) so off we went to see it. We didn't really know where it was, but we could see some of the pointy parts on top, you know... I don't know what they are called... steeples? turrets? something like that. Anyway, we just started walking up the hill, and eventually found it. We bought a bagette and some brie on the way up, and when we finally reached the top, we just sat and looked out over all of paris, and enjoyed our delicious bagette and cheese. It was the perfect end to a not so perfect day for both of us. We had both been a little frustrated with France throughout the day, how dirty it is, how no one can seem to figure out how to put trash in the trash cans, etc. In fact we both mentioned to eachother that it would be nice to just pack up and go home, back to America where life is.... cleaner? I literally spent an entire day without being able to breath one breath of fresh air. Even walking down the street every breath I took was either full of cigarette smoke, or smelled like Urine. But sitting up on top of Montmarte, and looking around at the view, surrounded by tourists, I rediscovered my love for Paris. Here are a few photos to prove that we went there.

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