Sunday, May 15, 2011

Night(s) at the Museum

Taking a look at the last two days of our life, you would think that we are some of the most cultured people alive. For reals. At least you would think that we are the kind of people who attend museums often, because this weekend, thats about all we've done. It started on Friday night when we decided to go to the Louvre. Reason number one why we decided to go to the Louvre (lets be honest here): The Louvre is free on friday nights for anyone under the age of 25. Reason number two why we decided to go to the Louvre: Its the Louvre, Duh. We went with a friend (Ren, in case he is reading this)and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. For me personally it was a first, but Ren and Clay had been before, so they sort of gave me the tour around. We started with La Joconde, or in laymen's terms the Mona Lisa.

It was the opposite of life-changing for all of us. There were tons of people looking at it, and we couldn't for the life of us remember why it was so famous. Clay saved the day however, when we found a card thingy in the corner that gave us the history of it. So bascially it comes down to this. The mona lisa is famous because some rich people had it (they liked her smile) and then later on it was stolen, and then it was recovered... Or something like that. After that we visited the Ancient Egyptian corridor, where we encountered mummified cats, fish, and even a giant crocodile. It was epic.
Voici quelques photos (behold some pics) to prove that we were there.

So the next day happened to be "Nuit des Musées" in Paris, a.k.a., all the museums in Paris were free that night. We spent the day preparing for the museums going around with our buddy Ren looking at expensive designer shops in Paris that we would never be able to afford and by drinking Angelina's Hot Chocolate (More to come in a later post about Angelina's). We started off our Night of Museums at Musée d'Orsay which is just on the opposite side of the Seine. We were able to look at an incredible Manet exhibit, which, thanks to our two Columbia friends who had to explain every art-piece to us, we learned the he is the "Father of Modernity." As we were finishing this special exhibit we passed a portrait by Manet of Monsieur Rochefort. Somebody commented on how funny his hair was and then, Amy made the connection of how much my hair resembles his. It was a very good confidence builder for me.
Also in the museum were paintings you would recognize, especially ones such as the self portrait by Van Gogh, but, we were unable to take any pictures because we learned shortly after taking the funny hair picture that there was absolutely no picture taking allowed.
Before continuing on we had to regain our energy so we found a little Sushi shop just down from the Louvre and got ready to go to Les Arts Decoratifs, a little museum attached to the Louvre but not really part of the museum.
We wanted to go to this museum to see a special exhibit which was Ralph Lauren's car collection. It was awesome to say the least. The museum contained cars ranging from a Bentley Blower to a Mc Laren.

It was a great end to the "Nuit des Musées!"


  1. LOVE the hair picture! :) So awesome! I am so jealous of all your fun experiences!!! Live it up! What incredible opportunities you guys are having!!!

  2. The hair picture is classic. You even have the expression down to a match.
