Thursday, May 5, 2011

some things we've seen

So, we have been here about 4 days, and already we have seen a few things. But the first thing I need to mention, is that I forgot how much walking is included in the whole public transportation system. My feet are KILLING me, also I have somre sore muscles in my legs that I didn't know existed... somewhere between my ankles and my calves. Anyway, monday we saw the eiffel tower. Fun for me because it was the first time, but honestly by the time we got to it, we were so tired and hungry that we almost didn't enjoy it! Then, yesterday we went and saw the basilica Sacré Coeur. It was pretty beautiful, and we sat for a few minutes on the inside and listened to the nuns sing hymns. It was lovely. Afterwards, we met up with a friend of Clay's (and now a friend of mine) and sipped on some drinks in a cafe and snacked on some smoked salmon. That and walking through the luxembourg gardens were the perfect end to a long day.


  1. pictures to come... soon I hope.

  2. sounds lovely! when can I visit? : )

  3. How cool! What great experiences!

  4. I am so glad you are blogging so we can keep track of you! Keep it up! :) We are so jealous!!

  5. walking? did you say lots of walking? hmmm I wonder what that means for me if we should visit, since I don't walk so well yet - or at all. bummer.

  6. If you get time I would definitely recommend going out to Giverny to see Claude Monet's house. It is SOOOO worth it, gorgeous!! It might be a weekend trip. Sounds like you are having a great time, live it up!! (oh, this is Emily....we're still at your mom's ).
